Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tips for making friends instantly at any party

When you have moved  around a lot, like I have, you must to learn to make friends quickly. I love going to parties where I hardly know anyone, this is a perfect opportunity to rack up some new friends. These tips will help you even if you are kind of dull and not an interesting person.
-  Always start by hanging out by the food table. It gives you something to talk about and gives you something to fill any awkward silences that may occur. If you are waiting for someone to talk to you just start chewing a pizza roll and someone is bound to ask you a question.
-  Often people only want to talk to you if you compliment them or ask them a question about themselves first. Try finding a guy with a band shirt on and comment on it. This should open a can of worms for you. Maybe there is a lady with a lovely neck tattoo? She either cuts hair or is a bartender- lots of fun stories there.
- Once you feel more comfortable find the loudest person at the party, this person is always in the kitchen. Start by mimicking what they are doing; when they laugh, you laugh. When they take a shot, you take a shot. Very soon he or she will recognize you as their party buddy for the night.  Before you know it they will start introducing to people and bragging about how cool you are. Make sure not to get as drunk as they do, that way you can maintain your cool-ness factor. Also, make sure to ditch them before the end of the night, you don't want to get stuck being the one that takes them home. They need to find another friend for that.

-People love to talk about murder. If you have any stories about having witnessed a murder or have any old friends who have turned out to be a murderer make sure to work that into a conversation. It grabs people’s attention and there is always someone else who has dated some guy accidentally beat someone to death or who has seen their neighbor go down in gun fire.
-Then to lighten the mood, make fun of hipsters. This works anywhere. Do not point at anyone or be too specific. “What’s the deal with tight pants?" should be enough to domino into someone ranting about how they hate hipsters. They may even be a hipster, they may have tight pants on, and it doesn’t matter because there are always tighter pants. Everyone will assume you are talking about those people. Soon the group will start comparing how they are more main stream then everyone else. People also hate hippies, but you must be careful with this one, if there is someone with who has dreadlocks or is wearing patchouli at the party  and they may be offended. (If you are the one who is offended you should wash your hair and get a job, people will like you better).
- People like it when you seem passionate about things. If you don’t have a lot of fun hobbies and interests don’t worry you can just exaggerate things you are mildly interested in. If you have gone kayaking once, say " I f’ning love kayaking!". Someone else within earshot will also love kayaking. Hiking is a really easy thing to pretend to be into, its really just walking. If you tried to knit something once, proudly, maybe even in a braggy way, let people know that you hand make all your own doylies. You may score a high five, just go with it and change the subject before they ask too many questions. 
- If you discover that someone has a unique dislike for something and you feel similarly invite them to join your Facebook group page. It can be anything- "oh you hate the Red Hot Chili Peppers too? You have to join my new Facebook group page called I Hate The Red Hot Chili Peppers” As soon as you get a chance quickly make a group page. Now you have a new Facebook friend, there will be many things you can hate together. Since people are way too unreliable to call each other anymore, finding each other on Facebook is far more effective.
- Refrain from using sarcasm with girls, most are too sensitive and don’t get it. You don’t want to run the risk of them perceiving you as a jerk when you are actually being hilarious. Feel free to use this type of humor on guys; they should be able to take it. If not, they are whiny pansies and you shouldn’t be friend with them anyway.
Hopefully this has been helpful, good luck making superficial social connections.





  2. I feel like I witnessed all of these things at Shangri-La the night before I left Austin. Hahaha!
