Friday, July 3, 2015

The Secret to My Luck

People say I am lucky. I have won random prizes and awesome things do happen in my life. I don’t think these things just happen randomly. For me there is a strategy to it. It sounds corny, you can laugh, but you can’t deny that something is working for me. Let me tell you what it is so that you can try it too.
I make wishes, but they are not weak, wet noodle, wishes. I don’t say “Oh, I hope this happens… ( cue the soft girly voice and dreamy eyes).  My wishes are determined wishes. They are each a firm hand shake. As I make them I decide they are going to happen. I feel like I am telling the universe with my heart. I always end my wish with a thank you.
I will take any opportunity to throw a coin in a fountain or look up to a star and say “star light start bright…..” Yes, I say the whole thing, every time.  In my wish I say “ I want__________to happen”.  Then I might say “ ________ is going to happen, thank you”.  Always be polite when demanding good things from the universe. When I walk away I have a feeling as if I have checked something off my TO-DO list, as if I have already accomplished something, and I am grateful. I had been doing it long before I knew there was a name for it. I was glad to find out that is actually a thing. The Law of Attraction is something many people practice, this is all about being positive, asking the universe for what you want in life, and being grateful. It is easy, and you can do it too.
          Stay tuned, I have more to say about this.....